Thursday, September 30, 2010

voted 'Best Asian Restuarant' in Anacortes

We thought it was right and proper to sample some other food in Anacortes last night instead of the hotel.
We first went across the road to see the menu at the door of the Brown Ale House... it didn't cater well for veggies.... then another restuaranht down the road a little... the same experience.
Eventually we saw the signs for a Thai restuarant ... we knew it was only Sunday when we were last experiencing a Thai in seattle, but it had a wide range of Veggie options. It seemed that these places had the monopoly on Tofu... so in we went.
Greeted by a young american waitress, she gave us a menu each and later presented a glass of iced water on the table. How important that later turned out to be.
We then ordered.... Caroline first... a tofu and brown rice dish and I had a chicken Masalan..
We then were asked to rate our spice requirements...(on a 1 - 5 scale) we though based on our previous experience, a meduim (3) would be ok... she looked at us and said that unless we wanted to feel our lips afterwards, a 2 would be a good start.
We accepted her suggestion and I ordered a Mac & Jacks whih I saw on offer at $4.50 per pint.
This was initially delivered to the wrong table by a Thai lady, dressed in basic jogging outfit, who smiled apologetically as she had her mistake corrected. But then went off to tell the american girl.."you told me table 4"
The meals were soon delivered and we embarked on our feast.
Caroline was soon reaching for tissues as the spices were starting to make her nose run. soon after mine was also... as the girl came back to top up our iced water. After about 10 minutes I was making little impression on my bowl, and realised that I already had a blister on the roof of my mouth. The spices had anaethetised my mouth and hadn't realised the effect that the heat of the dish was having on my mouth. I aksed for a second Mac & Jacks.
It had me beat after about 20 minutes of gently sifting through the rice and pieces of chicken, peppers and butternut squash.
We surrendered our plates and sought some relief in Mango flavoured ice cream. Caroline just had some mango.
we settled our bill, and walked out noticing that the restaurant had been voted 'best asian restuarant' in Anacortes...
I was uncertain about any other Asian places to eat in Anacortes... but never mind... it got our votes anyway..

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving it! You paint a good picture!
    Whale watching sounds like a success; so glad (^_^).
