Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vancouver=Sky Planes & Joggers

It was the first full day in Vancouver and we equipped ourselves with a $9 day pass to ride the skytrain into the centre. With no clear plan as we headed off, we arrived at the Waterfront, thinking the seawall walk would be a good introduction to the Vancouver skyline.
We headed east along the walkway, having found an HSCB Bank to exchange a few travellers cheques. It was the first time we had to break into the reserves.
The walk exposed the vast north coast line of Vancouver and watched as a flurry of Sky planes came into land across the waterfront. Both landing and taking off, the attracted our attention. So much so, we did look at the possibility of catching a flight... but were advised to book in advance due to its popularity. We passed over the idea and carried on walking.
The walkway was divided into 2 main lanes... one for cyclists and one for walkers... however there were a continous rush of joggers heading in both direction. Some were very fit looking and dressed accordingly, whilst others seem to be fighting off their next coronary attack. Perhaps to also explain that the temperature was nearing 25 deg, with no cloud cover. The sun kept beating down and only an occasional break for shade, gave relief from the strong rays.
They kept running past. Was this what Vancouver people did on their lunch break?
We sat on a bench and watched the midday activity.
after a 15 minute stop, we planned to return along the same path and consider a bite to eat.
We arrived back to the Waterfront station and headed via the Skytrain a few stops to the Olympic Village area. We then caught a bus and found our way into Granville Island, where art, crafts and lots and lots of fresh produce were displayed in the Market area. Entertainers were also in good voice on several corners.
we'd noticed there was a bus stop at which we could get back to the Waterfront station and then head back to Richmond with the Friday afternoon rush hour looming.
We got back to the hotel around 5pm....

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