Saturday, December 11, 2010

application for 30 hr day in SFO

The last couple of days we were being given all sorts guidance on what to see in SFO. It was great to experience an art exhibition in the De Young Museum, the Japanese Tea Gardens, a fundraising crab feast, ride on the trolley car, walk around chinatown, walk around Muir Woods to see the Redwoods and having a variety of other experiences.
Where did these last 2 days go....
Reflecting on the photos from the entire trip, we've had something of an amazing trip which have ticked so many boxes. Some were unknown boxes which weren't planned, but we've added to them as the days have passed by.
I suppose the only remedy will be to look at more hours in the day or perhaps the more logical approach will be to have more days to pace our whole experience.

But for now, there's just time get our bags packed and consider our plans for getting to the airport and catch our overnight flight back home.
And as for the next journey... watch this space

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