Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Clear for take off!

It was one of the highlights of the trip.... a helicopter ride over the Glaciers (Franz Josef and Fox).
We reported to the office and were told that we were the only 2 on thr trip, but that we could go to the sister company down the road where they had space for 2 more to make up a full trip.
We went a couple hundred metres down the road and paid our fee for the ride. Shortly afterwards, there was a phone call from the Fox office(we were in the Franz office) to say that the others on our booked flight had gone to the wrong office. So we had an additional 10 minute ride as we went across by helicopter to Fox before heading upwards to the top of the Glaciers. It was an amazing sight as the pilot picked his way around the rocky crags and found a spot to land and allow us 5 minutes walk-about on the mountain peak overlooking Fox Glacier.
An experience that only happens very occassionally for us both, but one which will remain for a while to come without doubt.
We returned via Fox again, then the short 5 minute trip across to Franz.
We went back to our room and had a small lunch before going out for a walk up a trail which looked out on some jaw-dropping landscapes in all directions.

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