Saturday, December 4, 2010

a quiet day in Kingston

The following day started with breakfast served up by the hosts and conversation continued to freely between the four of us around the table as we watched Queenstown come into view northwards, at the end of the lake, and the sun breaking out on the mountainside.
Nothing was planned for the day, which was just how we wanted it. The offer of using the kayak for Caroline was made, and taken up during the morning. So Caroline prepared, took to the water and made a gentle departure across the bay. The breeze caused the return easier, but she stayed out on the water for around 40 minutes. (see video clip)
In total contrast, my afternoon was being planned. A game of bowls was being scheduled against a neighbour, on the towns bowling green.
The Kiwi vs UK challenge took place just after 2pm and I took to the green with borrowed bowls. The green was unique… a good dose of clover peppered with small mushroom balls on the lane we chose. My opponent let me go first. It was the only time as we agreed on completing 10 ends. It was the only time I went first as the Kiwi took home advantage and won every end thereafter.
A handshake and promise of never speaking of this defeat was the best I could do. I will return to re-turf the green some day!
I returned and we spent the afternoon soaking up the relaxed atmosphere.
The pace of today was just perfect. Later in the afternoon we explored the town, looking at the vacant / for sale properties as well as paying respects to the Kingston Flyer, that was sitting, caged, dormant, waiting for investment. The coaches and other rolling stock were scattered around the main station, otherwise known as the ‘tavern’ where we’d eaten the previous night, and planned to eat again tonight.
Peter and Margaret were waiting when we returned to engage in more interesting local information, whilst having drinks and canopies.
They phoned the tavern to check that Sona was cooking again, and we made tracks to sit and enjoy the local delicacy ‘bluecod’.

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