Monday, December 13, 2010

Returning home

The few days in San Francisco were amazing and was just what we needed to enable our bodies to recover from the 4 weeks in NZ.
The hospitality shown by Caroline's cousins was without doubt the most terrific experience and one which I will not forget in a very long time.
Our final day meant that as many things as possible were seen before heading out to the airport and taking a long last look at the Pacific Ocean.
It might be some time before we manage to get over that part of the world again, but we'll certainly be keeping it mind.

The offer of an extra few inches of leg room on the flight did not pass us by, and we struck a deal with the checking in clerk. We boarded the aircraft, but not before the security had one final peek inside by backpack to find nothing more than a tangled mass of charging wires, some books and a few pens. A satisfied nod, gave me the all clear and found my seat and settled into the flight. Unfortunately unable to sleep for long as there was a small child who decided this was a good time to stay up also and cry, cry cry... and the parents took it in turn to walk him up and down the aisle to ensure nobody else was having quality sleep, whilst the child's feet clipped the occasional passenger, who's head was in direct line as they walked him to and fro in their arms.
Never mind, there were some good films which helped pass the 10hr 35min journey.
Where next..... it anybody's guess

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