Monday, December 6, 2010

Time to Fly again

It was only an hours drive back into Queenstown Airport and park up the rental car for the last time. We calculated doing 4,242Km throughout both north and south island adventure.
We arrived just after 10.30am ready for the 12.20 domestic flight to Auckland. We checked in and found that surprisingly the cases were still a few kg below the limit.
We were sat waiting to go through the security check and looked around to see our hosts from a Tranquility Lodge, Kingston. They said they were passing and wanted to see us off.. Now thats the first time anything like this had happened and we were really touched by them remembering when we were flying and come to see us off.
So the flight was as good on time, we flew a circuit and headed north.
We landed after an hour and twenty minutes in Auckland and within half an hour travelling on the airbus into the centre of Auckland.
Now in Auckland, we've done a quick walk around the central area of Auckland and ready for a further days adventure tomorrow.


  1. You sure they weren't just checking to see whether you'd got an extra bag full of towels ?! Jed.

  2. good point.... no, nothing extra
